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Emilie Heathe | Creator Series Collaboration

Emilie Heathe are a gorgeous nail polish and lifestyle brand based in New York. I had the pleasure of collaborating with the brand for their Creator Series: an ongoing series to feature and highlight different creators that the brand have worked with or have admired from afar for a long time.



By focusing on the brands rich, jewel toned nail polish shade, Big Night Out, I was able to create a series of water colour and ink illustrations encapsulating the brands organic, clean and luxurious qualities with a unique surrealist twist. 

(Scroll for gallery)

Whilst brainstorming ideas for the series, I fell in love with the idea of focusing on the “clean” and “natural” aspects of the brand. Alongside illustrating the most gorgeous bottle and packaging design, I decided to focus on the ingredient Bamboo which is used in Emilie Heathes products for its anti-inflammatory, strengthening and soothing properties. I also incorporated a deep earthy green shade into my chosen colour palette which helped to reinforce the raw and organic nature of the brand from my viewpoint.


Social Media

Through the week long feature of my collaboration with the brand, my artwork was featured across Emilie Heathes socials in the form of feed posts, stories, highlights and reels. I also had the pleasure of answering a Q & A with the brand as well as giving some background to my craft and all the things that have inspired me and continue to along my creative journey. You can check out the full feature on their Instagram and blog post linked below!


''It is undeniable that Shaina Bains, a UK-based fashion illustrator extraordinaire, creates some gallery-worthy art. Her watercolors are sharp and refined, and her portfolio is extensive, rich with fashion, beauty, and lifestyle inspiration. When we first laid eyes on her work, we knew we had to work together.'' 

- Emilie Heathe

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